Thursday, August 8, 2013

'Freedom is just another word for nothing left to Loose'

Yet another B'day..
Not excited. Don't feel like buying new stuff.
Life on a postpone mode for materialistic 'should be' pursuits..
Don't feel like going to a mall.
Cynicism and complacence in conjunction.
Complacence.. I doubt!
And goes another hour thinking..
Why 'the' doubt !?
The doubt on complacence makes me feel complicit !
Would give anything at the moment..
To be a troubadour..
But.. I feel bound and low on gut..
Have a world to satisfy !
Why am I not free ?

Oh Janis!

1 comment:

  1. free from whom..if it is wt i thnk it is den there is no escape.. cauz m too caught in it..:)
