Friday, December 11, 2015


She likes to explore.
I like Merlot.
I can't wait
for conversations,
face to face,
blended with
her choice and,
my Merlot.
The love
that we make
after our sips
to base
would be colors,
Would be shades
of tastes
Would be a blend
that defies
Cabernet Chauvignon.
Would be a spirit
as they call
a perfect blend..
a perfect wine.

Who Wants.. To Live Forever!

You must be special..
you.. you unforgettable piece of memory.
on some random
Thursday night
you still occupy
some heads,
some hearts..
far away from where you are.
people down here,
still love you and,
think of a moment,
or two
with you
in it, them.
for a beautiful woman
that you were..
for a beautiful soul
that you are;
I want you,
to know that..
those heads,
those hearts..
with you,
now believe that..
'A thing of beauty
is a joy


Depression is Golden

Moment and again,
when I stop trying
to be
a self-fixer,
I come to face
with this B side
of me,
within me.
It is a sucker,
for gloom.
It listens to the sermons
of crimson kings,
empathizes with
the melancholy
of as something
as small as
a gush of wind
not talking back to you.
Its a blizzard of crap,
when judged.
Its heart-breaking beautiful,
when felt.
Loathing in its love,
for such glooms, this morning,
it, yet again,
bows to the Crimson, King!
Partners in gloating,
in gloom.

Lament Soda

Trying to figure
the remedy
the cure
the panacea.
All my life
I have
given and received
a 'to do' list
to work with
when sad, upset or depressed.
It doesn't work.
It doesn't fuckin work.



Lady, I love the process.
I spend the night
walking streets of downtown,
I perturb the colony of bees
of my thoughts
and let them buzz around,
disturbed by happening.
Worsts of me and,
bests of me
go naked in that cloud of buzz.
Lady, I contemplate my love
for strip-clubs,
I look a lost crowd of
women, gut-wrenching sexy.
And I miss you.
Not in a phoney, blank -
It is more of wishing to
accept that these wishes are the cracks
in my whole
and I want you to see them,
acknowledge them,
try to love them
and hold me.
I know that
only you can.
I love this process
of thinking of my vices,
my cracks
and then thinking
that the comfort lies in
confession and acceptance.
You, my love, accept me.

The Fallen One!

Everyday I sit down comfortably,
with my spine straight and
try to puncture
my spiritual heart to
let in some light
for the kaged Lucifer.
He ain't a bad guy,
I feel.
Just a helper with
not so kosher
Some coming day
I would have
punctured it enough and
released the angel
who can't be mean
just because
he had a fall.
Some coming day,
I shall know
how it feels
to hangout
with the most honestly broken me.


The purpose
as I see
is to defragment oneself
and then face
and try to love
all the pieces.
It may take a lifetime
and there might be
some choices,
odd to make.
They might give one
an illusory feeling
of freedom -
the nature of choices being
having to choose between
fear and hope.
All, however, becomes interesting
when the superset of these bits
is called
destiny or be and
the only way therein
is acceptance.
Acceptance, unconditional,
is what it comes closest
to define
the abstract
we call love!


Anyway..khana khaya ?
Paneer achaari tikka
Oh bete
Ye toh ultimate ho gaya hoga Tere liye 
Aji.. Mohabbat
Mohabbat se kamm nahi tha zaayka!
Zaayka ekdum waisa jaisa..
Us shaam airport pe jab
tujhe mere ko dhoondte door se dekha tha
aur fir ek dum tere saamne aakar
tujhe chooma tha aur fir..
zaayka jo tere hoton pe paaya tha !



Why do we love love or why do we love dark ? What is the fascination with importance of strength and belittling of weakness! Why is even the need to classify in extremes and why is there a need to adore or abhor? Why isn't normalcy a way ? Why is there a concept of god, light, divinity, bliss, source of life etc. ? Most of it is belief and named experience anyway! Why is there a need to name extremes, feelings, thoughts etc.? Why do we need such diversification ? What is so right with light and what is so wrong with dark ? I don't even know whether my questions are right considering my frame of observation and the paradigm that i am in. Why do i need these questions anyway !
