I have been
bought into
brought up into
a system
appears to limit
my life to 6-12 activity,
my grandeur
my infinity
my essence and
my possibility.
On this Sunday noon
and a little after,
I still sit
my shackles,
finding keys
that are long lost.
it is out there.
I know.
And so,
I tell the paper,
my story
to tell others
to look out
to look out
for this key
that I need,
that we need.
bought into
brought up into
a system
appears to limit
my life to 6-12 activity,
my grandeur
my infinity
my essence and
my possibility.
On this Sunday noon
and a little after,
I still sit
my shackles,
finding keys
that are long lost.
it is out there.
I know.
And so,
I tell the paper,
my story
to tell others
to look out
to look out
for this key
that I need,
that we need.