Monday, May 4, 2015


I have been
bought into
brought up into
a system
appears to limit
my life to 6-12 activity,
my grandeur
my infinity
my essence and
my possibility.
On this Sunday noon
and a little after,
I still sit
my shackles,
finding keys
that are long lost.
it is out there.
I know.
And so,
I tell the paper,
my story
to tell others
to look out
to look out
for this key
that I need,
that we need.


Partners in Gloom

Moment and again,
when I stop trying
to be
a self-fixer,
I come to face
with this B side
of me,
within me.

It is a sucker,
for gloom.
It listens to the sermons
of crimson kings,
empathizes with
the melancholy
of as something
as small as
a gush of wind
not talking back to you.
Its a blizzard of crap,
when judged.
Its heart-breaking beautiful,
when felt.

Loathing in its love,
for such glooms, this morning,
it, yet again,
bows to the Crimson, King!
Partners in gloating,
in gloom.


Hanging Out With Your Soul..

There are hipsters.
There are hippies.
There are more labels,
to beards, hair buns and back packs.
But I write from under the labels.
Bottle was my thing,
labels, not.
The gave words to how the bottle felt,
how the wine tasted,
the shutdown of cognition it brought.
That's how I explain my taste
of hanging out
with your soul.


Words take her shape..

At times,
it left me confused.
I couldn't get if
she was the embodiment
of the words I brought together,

or, was it her soul
that worked as a magnet
to all the words
in my airy head
and brought them into an alignment -
a poem that resembled her!



My idea of love is to
capture bits of surrounds
find your high in them
project this high
to greater heights
only to end up
not being in peace
and then
moving out
to look for a mirror -
an impeccably honest mirror,
the closest pursuit in regard
being the soul of another meat suit wearer,
to witness itself,
to be aware of itself,
to experience itself -
very much what the universe is -
an awareness experiencing itself.
