Thursday, December 25, 2014


There is so much in you.
There is a perennial source of words, thoughts and expressions.
There is an eternity within the years you've had and,
there is an uncreated maze of jumbled dots in you.
I want to be there to visit each of that dot of experience and relive it with you.
I want to be there to connect those dots and bathe in each moment that you've had.
This is my lure.
You are the universe.
You are beautiful in every possible way a free mind can think of and,
I want my being to be beautified by being a part of this assorted wrap of beauty.
I want us to write ourselves out, express ourselves out.
I know you care, I know you love a lot.
Let's know each other in this journey.
Let's connect those dots, create a messed up labyrinth and,
get lost in the universe it contains.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Meanwhile, a monkey resuscitates a fellow monkey and
steals the fame time of usually famous Kardashian family.
The act itself,
supplemented by the virtuous act of sharing the news of act,
shall be complemented as acts that will apparently restore your faith in our forefathers.
Evolution has brought us to appreciate butts and butts for a living.
Meanwhile, the forgotten art of helping a fellow being has been resuscitated to life.