Saturday, September 25, 2010


Goodbyes.. They inspire, don't they ?!

Times of standing between the two doors.. With possessions from inside one, that would accompany into the another. Uncertainty of what comes ahead.. Adventurous !! Cuz.. Sometimes I have nothing left to loose and all I can do is gain from the times to come ! There will be times finding me nostalgic.. But they'll inspire.. 'cuz I'll then start my fight again to have similar times !

I dont know.. as to where would this door lead me too.. But.. I'll find fun ! Cuz once.. One such goodbye frm a door brought me love in next.. Chain continued with finding friends for life behind the next door.. And here I stand outside this door.. biding adieu and carrying along in my heart, the moments in clicks.. Expecting awesome times behind the door I'm about to unlock..!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Childhood's End..

The sun, then, was pink;
Ruling the sky's vast blues.

The river, curved to choice;
filled with color, fishes of wish.

Rains could be called in
to fall on the most colorful umbrellas.

'Home sweet Home', on the hut wall
was the wish of an innocent mind.

There were fruit laden trees,
grass of comfortable length, color.

A hand-drawn horse; my priced possession,
feeding on hay that failed gold.

Once, in life, innocence was rewarded
with more happiness, innocence..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Free Fallin'

Separation; as it would be
Liberation; as it would be
I'd be then learning to fly
Ain't got no wings, but shall explore the sky
I'd recall the by-gones
There'd be family, love, friends
I'd think; how nice would it be
To fall as a flower on you, in your garden
I wouldn't want you to make out
How did it happen, what was it about
With open eyes; the end, I'd embrace
With closed eyes; you'd smile.. we had it once.. 'the embrace'

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

~Angel !

A shortie fairy with the cutest face
in this world synonymizing happiness

For all she does for me
she is "my angel"; I write with glee

People have come, faded to gray
she's always been there.. 'Just a call away'

Clueless; I'd eat up her head
she'd listen; with solutions having my worries shed

My heart; when in tatters,
she'd somehow imbibe into me.. love matters !

She's the sweetest link of the chain;
the chain from the gift to my heart in northern plain !

And when I've found the doors closing
she has brought me smiles and happy hoping

My favorite vanilla softy, chhotu, my sis
they kept searching; I found the meaning to 'bliss' !