Wednesday, May 19, 2010

That smile -)

Today.. while driving back home.. some thought made me smile.. it was a flash of your smile !

Your smile.. the one which is as fresh as a winter-morning-moist-red-rose-bud, is an embodiment of assurance, naughtiness, love, accomplishment, care, understanding, warmth, togetherness, 'totally'....

You saw me doing something for you and I did something real stupid.. you smiled. I realized.. and then tried a rose.. you smiled !

I'm tryin' being a smart fella.. fakin' an accent while talkin' to someone.. he doesn't realize.. you do.. and -)

..and when I saw you, all soaked up in rain.. comin' to join me at a cafe.. u settled and got caught up in self-talking-downpour-@-odd-times-look-i-had-to-be-there-now-i'm-all-wet-kya-yaar, then u looked at a silent me, enjoyin' the 'show'.. and you smiled !

In a movie hall.. grooming my hair to catch the attention of a stunner only not to find it and instead.. your smile !

On a bad day I had.. your smile relieved me and promised a good next day !

An easy friend.. who 'knows'.. I found in you and a biggg bonus.. a serene smile of yours ! A smile.. always there to cover up for the words and better.. lets me know that I'm yours..

And.. on an early morning, when I couldn't resist the charm on your face and kept lookin' at a sleepin' you.. you smiled and opened up your eyes.. giving me every reason to thank god for ever !

I loved Julia Roberts and when you happened to me.. booommm.. I had mine :)


Monday, May 17, 2010

smokinn gal !

Standing by my window, I beat the heat with a drink ! and my said attempt goes into vain, as this hottie walks in..

Amazed.. I'm ! With the skimp she has on her, what they call, 'the hour glass'; while an unaware she, lights some tobacco on her balcony ! 'Susie Q' is what the singer in the background is singing about.. and its what the viewer, me, is gazing at ! Damn.. she is exactly what it takes for a gentleman in you to lose himself for a while and an engineer in you to make close measurements of distant objects :)

In the evening.. while I reach for the curtain.. I spot her once again ! Dripping she.. draped in a white wipe this time.. smokin' again.. and makin' her own lil-hott contribution to 'Global Warming' ;)

My not-so-important-so-far window suddenly has now gained a significant place in my-homey-favorite-possessions.. and now.. i spend more time walking around my apartment.. for obvious reasons existing across the window vent :)

Dhrooooov !

Monday, May 10, 2010

~Fix Me~

What I don't want.. sticks around;
What I want.. doesn't stay !

Seems like.. 'being misunderstood' and 'not trusted' are now profile defining qualities; contrary to my understanding of myself.

So.. I've been made to believe that I'm so good at screwing up the 'perfect' and.. I suck :|

Things may 'end' up fine.. but.. what comes along the way to the 'end' makes it all taste so god-darned aweful.. Instead of livin'-it-enjoyin'-it through, I end up hatin'-it-condemnin'-it..

I don't know whats wrong.. if it is~
I don't know what to do about it.. even if a solution exists~

Losin' the not-to-be-lost.... saga.. continues !

Searching for the 'lights'.. I believe.. they'll guide..


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

''What up !?''.. when I miss you !

You know.. its nothing special-too-down-love-in-mind situation when I think of you.. miss you !

Its more of like.. a click.. a flash.. givin' me a snap-shot in my mind.

The snap has you.. on scrolling and panning a bit.. I find myself around..

Next; I recall the 'moment'.. it makes me :)..

I pick up my cell phone.. go to the text editor..

Within no time.. you receive a text asking 'What up !?'..

All my heart..


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Everything's gonna be all-right !

Been through an upsetting part;
May be.. the board quite didn't get the dart..

She is like "For a while, I want to be alone";
I'm like "Don't be upset, it will soon be gone"..

I had a rough day, life's not good;
Sweetz.. stick around.. you'll really find the gold you should..

Why me;
'cause there always are flips n flops honey..

What should I do;
Don't worry.. we'll figure something out, once you are through..


I'm sorry;
Sweetz..for that you never have to worry..

Have a nice life.. don't lose it 'cause of a setback.. u'll do better and things will be awesome.
I have faith in you.
